Beauty Fit

Make-Up in the Gym? Yay or Nay?

I’m all for looking glam and being ready for any gymfie (gym-selfie) opportunity, but make-up in the gym? It’s a no go for me.

Today our world is saturated with make-up overload; contouring, strobing and perfect make-up video tutorials dominate and influence our concept of beauty. When celebrities dare to go bare-faced they are vilified by the press and public. Peer pressure is no joke. In this age where everyone is so make-up conscious is it ever OK to go make-up free and au naturel?

Is it OK to wear make-up in sport?

For me it’s a no brainer, when I work out I sweat, any make-up would just slide off my face. When we get hot and sweaty our pores enlarge, so if your skin is covered in foundation and powder, that’s what your pores are going to breathe in, which can’t be good for your skin. You’re likely to get a breakout….

I used to have really bad skin as a teenager and into my early twenties, I used make-up to cover the scarring, to give me more confidence, so I didn't feel like everywhere I went people were staring at my skin in horror, they weren't of course but sometimes it definitely felt that way. My dermatologist advised that I go make-up free as often as I could, as this would help my skin to heal faster. 

However I do wear lip-gloss when I work out. I wear lip-gloss pretty much everywhere I go; it would feel strange without it. But I draw the line at putting a whole face on (foundation, concealer, eye shadow, lipstick, and mascara) when I hit the weights.

The act of applying make-up has been described as putting on war-paint, many women need it to feel confident, for others it’s an assertive boost, an act of femininity. British athlete and 'Fastest Woman in the UK' Dina Asher-Smith sees it as part of her ritual. In an interview with Stylist Magazine she said “When I do my make-up on race day, I like everything to be exactly right. Foundation, powder, blusher, eye shadow, mascara, eyebrows, eyeliner, primer, everything has to be flawless. Make-up helps me get prepared and I think a lot of us sprint girls find that. With our sport, everything is about confidence and showmanship. A huge part of it is believing in yourself and believing that you can go out and do a good job. Make-up in that way feels like armour. I feel fierce and in control.”

Some see their sport as their job, and they'd wear make-up to the office so why not to the track? Team USA came under a lot of fire recently when female athletes wore winged eyeliner and red lipstick during the Olympics, many thought it was unnecessary, there was even a whole FOX news report on the subject.

It seems the jury’s out on whether make-up is appropriate in sport or not, the dermatologists would tell you that it’s not good for your skin, the athletes would say they need it to boost their confidence and to be ready for their TV close-up.

I do believe that in sport, clean, healthy skin looks far better than make-up, but that’s just my opinion. After all, if you’re wearing make-up how will you ever get to see that post-workout glow? And that is beautiful.

I’d love to hear what you think, do you wear make-up to the gym? (Please comment below)

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I’m passionate about living a healthy, happy and active lifestyle, I want to explore the world, follow my dreams and make them happen! I’m the designer and CEO of Hales Golfwear, a British Sportswear Brand for Women. 16 months ago it was an idea. Now it’s a reality. Find my latest collection here

Till next time xxx
